CPNP (Cosmetics) [EN]
Cosmetics Products Notification Portal (CPNP)
Within the framework of the CPNP project klinitox is involved in the development of a common classification system for cosmetics products. This categorisation system takes a crucial role in the new european database for cosmetics products. The system based on the TDI categorisation system - sector cosmetics and its further developement is performed by a joint venture of COLIPA and klinitox.
Current version of the Cosmetics Products Categories:
Short presentation about the process of harmonisation, the current state of work and the future steps regarding cosmetics categories within the CPNP project (for the 2nd meeting of the EAPCCT Working Group on Poisons Centres Activities / European Regulatory Issues, 24 May 2011, Dubrovnik):
ASt - 23 May 2011